Masthead - February 2022 to July 2022

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Previous Mastheads

Advisory Editorial Board
Special Advisors


Bernd Pulverer (Chief Editor)

Following undergraduate studies in Cambridge, Bernd received his PhD in 1992 from the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, London, for uncovering posttranslational regulation of the transcription factors c-Jun and c-Myc by the JNK and MAP kinases. He carried out postdoctoral research at the Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle and at the University of Innsbruck. Bernd was associate and then senior editor at Nature from 1999 until 2002 and subsequently chief editor of Nature Cell Biology. Prior to his editorship of EMBO Reports, Bernd had been the chief editor of The EMBO Journal for a decade. He is also Head of Scientific Publications at EMBO. Bernd Pulverer was a co-founder of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and serves on its Steering Committee. He is a member of the advisory boards of bioRxiv, Review Commons, ASM publications and a member of the STM Image Integrity Working Group. He is a founding director of the journal Life Science Alliance, co-published by EMBO Press, Rockefeller University Press and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 

[email protected]
Esther Schnapp (Senior Scientific Editor)

Responsible for:

Chromatin & Epigenetics; Genomics; DNA Replication, Repair & Recombination; Neuroscience; Plant Biology; Protein Biosynthesis; RNA Biology; Transcription

Esther joined EMBO Reports in October 2008. She was awarded her PhD in 2005 at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany, where she studied tail regeneration in the axolotl. As a post-doc she worked on muscle development in zebrafish and on the characterisation of mesoangioblasts at the Stem Cell Research Institute of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, Italy.

[email protected]
Martina Rembold (Senior Scientific Editor) 

Responsible for:

Ageing; Autophagy; Cell Death; Channels, Membrane & Intracellular Transport; Developmental Biology; Molecular Evolution & Ecology; Post-translational Modifications & Proteolysis; Protein Quality Control; Systems and Computational Biology

Martina joined EMBO Reports in September 2015. After her undergraduate studies in Vienna, Martina worked on histone modifications during mouse embryonic development in the lab of Christian Seiser. She received her PhD from EMBL Heidelberg where she studied optic vesicle morphogenesis in medaka fish with Jochen Wittbrodt. For her postdoctoral work she went to Maria Leptin's lab at University of Cologne and focussed on Drosophila gastrulation and on the role of Snail family genes in mesoderm and neuroblast development using genome-wide technologies.

[email protected]
Achim Breiling (Senior Scientific Editor)

Responsible for:

Cancer; Immunology; Microbiology, Virology & Host-Pathogen Interaction; Molecular Biology of Disease; Signal Transduction; Stem Cells

Achim Joined EMBO Reports in January 2016. Achim received his PhD at the Center for Molecular Biology (ZMBH) in Heidelberg 1998, working on the functional characterisation of epigenetic modifiers in Drosophila. He then moved as postdoctoral researcher to Milan and Naples (Italy), further studying the regulation and maintenance of epigenetic silencing. Since 2007 he worked at the Division of Epigenetics at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, focussing on the role of dynamic DNA methylation during differentiation.

[email protected]
Deniz Senyilmaz Tiebe (Scientific Editor)

Responsible for:
Cell Adhesion, Polarity & Cytoskeleton; Cell Cycle; Metabolism & Cell Biology; Vascular Biology

Deniz received her PhD from the University of Heidelberg. During her PhD work in the laboratory of Aurelio Teleman at the DKFZ, she uncovered a dedicated signaling pathway through which stearic acid regulates mitochondria. During her post-doc in Aurelio Teleman’s lab, one of her projects focused on the effects of dietary stearic acid on human physiology. Deniz joined EMBO Reports in November 2018.

[email protected]
Holger Breithaupt (Senior Features Editor)

Responsible for:
Science & Society

Holger joined EMBO Reports in 2000. He currently handles Science & Society content for the journal. Holger earned his PhD at the University of Düsseldorf’s Institute of Enzyme Technology and then studied science journalism at New York University's Science and Environmental Reporting Program. He worked as a freelance journalist before joining EMBO reports as Features Editor at the journal’s inception.

[email protected]
David del Alamo (Locum Editor)

David received his PhD from the Autónoma University of Madrid, where he studied the genetic mechanisms of proximodistal development in Drosophila melanogaster in the group of Fernando J. Díaz-Benjumea. He then moved to the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York to the laboratory of Marek Mlodzik, to characterize the regulation of epithelial planar cell polarity in the fly eye. As a second postdoc, David moved to the Institut Pasteur in Paris to study the interaction between apicobasal polarity and Notch signaling in neuronal specification. David was previously an editor at The EMBO Journal from 2012 to 2016.

[email protected]


From left: Annika Diederich (Editorial Assistant), Christopher Rickerby (Editorial Assistant), Erica Wilfong Boxheimer (Data Integrity Analyst), Fiona Panayi (Editorial Administrator), Joel Maupin (Marketing and Project Manager)


Cate Livingstone - Executive Editor, Global Research, Wiley
Georgi Hristov - Assistant Editor, EMBO Press
Vivian Killet - Assistant Editor, EMBO Press
Amanda Bello - Assistant Editor, EMBO Press
Uta Mackensen - Graphics Editor


Read the biographies of our board members

Reuven Agami, Netherlands
Andrés Aguilera, Spain
Dario Alessi, UK
Liliana Attisano, Canada
Manuela Baccarini, Austria
Claudia Bagni, Italy/Switzerland
Vytas Bankaitis, USA
Lutz Bornmann, Germany
Thomas Brabletz, Germany
Melanie Brinkmann, Germany
Jens Brüning, Germany
Clare Bryant, UK
Javier Caceres, UK
Iain Cheeseman, USA
Zhijian Chen, USA
Michael Cousin, UK
Elizabeth Craig, USA
Ralph DeBerardinis, USA
Jennifer DeLuca, USA
Gretchen Diehl, USA
Ivan Dikic, Germany
Dan Durocher, Canada
Lluis Fajas, Switzerland
Judith Frydman, USA
Michael Gale, USA
Susana Godinho, UK
Magdalena Götz, Germany
Pierre Gönczy, Switzerland
Eyal Gottlieb, Israel
Rachel Green, USA
Kun-Liang Guan, USA
György Hajnóczky, USA
Christian Hardtke, Germany
Volker Haucke, Germany

Kristian Helin, Denmark
Stephan Herzig, Germany
Heribert Hirt, Saudi Arabia
Kristin Hogquist, USA
Maite Huarte, Spain
Tony Hunter, USA
Peter Jackson, USA
Ursula Jakob, USA
Batsheva Kerem, Israel
Rachel Klevit, USA
Karim Labib, UK
Erh-Min Lai, Taiwan
Mohamed Lamkanfi, Belgium
Thomas Langer, Germany
Prisca Liberali, Switzerland
Emily R. Liman, USA
Trevor Lithgow, Australia
Manyuan Long, USA
Matthew Lorincz, Canada
Jiri Lukas, Denmark
Brian Luke, Germany
Zhao-Qing Luo, USA
Ian MacRae, USA
Brian Martinson, USA
René Medema, Netherlands
Pascal Meier, UK
Noboru Mizushima, Japan
Vamsi Mootha, USA
Sean Morrison, USA
Patricia Muller, UK
Ruth Müller, Germany
Moshe Oren, Israel
Emmanuelle Passegue, USA
Neil Perkins, UK

Norbert Perrimon, USA,
Craig Peterson, USA
Jonathon Pines, UK
Kathrin Plath, USA
Simona Polo, Italy
Pere Puigserver, USA
Michael Rape, USA
Peter Ratcliffe, UK
Felix Rey, France
Anne Ridley, UK
Sonia Rocha, UK
David Rubinsztein, UK
Silvia Santos, UK
Roded Sharan, Israel
Xiaohua Shen, China
Mikiko Siomi, Japan
Titia Sixma, Netherlands
Erik Sontheimer, USA
Mark Stoneking, Germany
Sriram Subramaniam, Canada
Stephen Tait, UK
Christopher Tate, UK
David Tollervey, UK
Peter Tontonoz, USA
Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla, Germany
Barbara Treutlein, Switzerland
Kenichi Tsuda, China
Isabelle Vernos, Spain
Patrik Verstreken, Belgium
Gabriel Waksman, UK
Alpha Yap, Australia
Jianzhi 'George' Zhang, USA
Hong Zhang, China
Cyril Zipfel, UK


Art Caplan, USA - Bioethics, Human subject research
Thomas Inglesby, USA - Biosecurity
Lars Schaade, Germany - Biosecurity
Jeremy Sugarman, USA - Bioethics, Human subject research
Hanna-Marja Voipio, Finland - Animal welfare
Axel Wolff, USA - Animal welfare